
Exploded deployment using dbtype DB2UDBNT_V82_1

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  • #281944 Reply


    We want to migrate from WSAD 5.1 to MyEclipse Blue for obvious reasons.

    Our application is packaged as an EAR, and contains an entity bean jar with ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi specifying currentBackendId=”ORACLE_V9_1″.

    When we use MyEclipse Blue M1 to perform exploded deployment, and then start the application in WAS 6.1, we get this error:

    com.ibm.ws.ejbpersistence.utilpm.PersistenceManagerException: PMGR1012E: The current backend id DB2UDBNT_V82_1, does not match the datasource connected to.

    It appears that the deployment is generated to use DB2, not Oracle.

    Searching the net for this error reveals IBM’s workaround to specify -deployejb.ejbtype==”ORACLE_V9_1″ to ejbDeploy. In fact, if I use MyEclipse (Standard or Blue) to package our application as a Packaged Archive, then use the WAS 6.1 Integrated Solutions Console to deploy the ear, specifying database type “ORACLE_V9_1″, all works well. However, this defeats the goal of using MyEclipse Blue to perform hot deployment!

    The question is: How do we get MyEclipse Blue M1 to specify -deployejb.ejbtype==”ORACLE_V9_1” (or equivalent) to ejbDeploy?

    I did not find an option in the GUI to specify dbtype or any other related ejbDeploy option. Is there a plugin config file where I can provide these properties? Or is there some other artifact WAS 6.1 ejbdeploy uses to override the default dbtype other than ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi?

    This appears to be the only remaining issue blocking our success at using MyEclipse Blue to supplant WSAD 5.1.


    Ralph Harnden

    #281956 Reply


    I was able to hack the installEAR.jacl and installEjbModule.jacl scripts to include “-deployejb.dbtype ORACLE_V9I” to force using Oracle instead of the default DB2. I am not sure if I had to modify both of these scripts, but this workaround got me back in business.

    This, however, is not a good long term solution, as it does not allow me to use other databases with the same installation without changing the jacl scripts.

    It seems like MyEclipse Blue should expose the same deployment options available through the Integrated Solutions Console, and pass those options to EJBDeploy.


    Ralph Harndne

    #281974 Reply


    Hello Ralph,

    I’d glad to hear that you have been able to app to deploy, however I do agree it isn’t a long term solution. The MyEclipse Blue development team is hard at work on the next version of the Blue edition and I will be sure and send your comments along. I do know that a feature very similar to what you are asking about is already on the dev team’s radar for including support for specifying db resources on project deployments.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    #283012 Reply


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    #283014 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #316902 Reply

    The ability to specify dbtype for ejbdeploy doesn’t seem to be there in version 8.6 of MyEclipse Blue either. Either that, or I cannot find it. I had to hack my JACL scripts to add in the same thing as above, only for DB2UDBOS390_V9 instead. Is there some way to do it in a recent version of the IDE, or is it still “on the radar for an upcoming release?”

    #316913 Reply



    There is a PR already filed for this one. I will have a dev team member answer this for you.
    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    #327730 Reply


    @support-swapna wrote:


    There is a PR already filed for this one. I will have a dev team member answer this for you.
    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    I’m came accros this while deploying an EAR with an EJB 2.1 project with a ton of CMPs with Blue 10.5….

    Still no setting available via GUI or do I have to patch the scripts too? And is so, where are they located?


    #327740 Reply



    The fix could not make it to 10.5. I have escalated it to a dev team member.
    They will get back to you.

    Sorry for inconvenience caused.

    #327772 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We’re taking another look at this issue now. There are some fundamental issues that make this problem more involved than simply adding a switch / field to the deployment process.

    #327779 Reply



    Since 9.1, you can run stub generation (EJB Deploy) for WAS 6.1+ directly in your ME workspace. You can set properties for EJB project on MyEclipse -> EJB Deploy property page of the project (select project in package explorer and choose from menu: Project -> Properties then navigate to the page). After setting the properties (or before – it will direct you to property pages automatically) you need to select each individual EJB project or the EAR project containing EJB projects, invoke pop up menu with right click and choose MyEclipse -> Run EJB Deploy. Note, that you will need to run EJB Deploy manually each time you change anything in EJBs API. You need to disable invocation of ejbdeploy tool on project deployment also. To do so, select EAR project – open project properties (Project -> Properties) and navigate to MyEclipse -> EAR page, then uncheck “Run EJBDeploy tool” option in “WAS 6.1/7.0/8.0/8.5 Deployment Options” group. You can use this with all WAS deployment modes (classic, enhanced and in-worksapce). I hope that this will resolve your problem. We will be working on providing those options for “ejbdeploy tool” launched during WAS deployment as well.

    #327838 Reply


    Brian, Piotrek,

    many thanks for your support. It’s working for me now with disabling the EJB deploy at all in the EAR properties.

    It’s a little tricky project setup… 🙂 We’re hardwiring a precrated EJB-JAR (legacy code developed and “EJB deployed” with RAD) in our application.xml and using the provided functions in newer EJB 3 within the same EAR. So we don’t really have the EJB 2.1 project in out workspace.

    Anyways I’m fine now and thanks again,

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