
Export/Import preferences from ME 3.8.4 -> ME 4 problem

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  • #230944 Reply


    Installed another version of Eclipse 3.02 & installed ME 4

    I exported preferences from my LIVE setup & thought I could just import them in to the test one – WRONG – gives me these warnings below – is it safe to accept them or not?

    Some preferences may not be compatible with the currently installed plug-ins.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “13.8.3” of plug-in “com.ibm.sse.model.html”, but version “13.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “3.8.3” of plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.webdesigner”, but version “3.9.101” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “3.8.4” of plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.cross.easystruts.eclipse”, but version “3.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “13.8.4” of plug-in “com.ibm.sse.editor”, but version “13.9.101” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “3.8.4” of plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.struts”, but version “3.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “3.8.4” of plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.bugzilla”, but version “3.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “13.8.4” of plug-in “com.ibm.sse.model”, but version “13.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “13.8.4” of plug-in “com.ibm.sse.model.jsp”, but version “13.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “13.8.4” of plug-in “com.ibm.sse.editor.jsp”, but version “13.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “3.8.4” of plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.core”, but version “3.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “3.8.4” of plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards”, but version “3.9.101” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “3.8.4” of plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.ast.deploy.core”, but version “3.9.101” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “13.8.3” of plug-in “com.ibm.xmleditor”, but version “13.9.100” is currently installed.
    The preference file contains preferences for version “3.8.4” of plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.sqlexplorer”, but version “3.9.101” is currently installed.



    #230948 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    These are just warnings that some of our plugins have changed versions, due to functionality additions. While it’s technically true that they *may not* be compatible, we make every effort internally to ensure that they *are* compatible. You should be able to accept the preferences without issue. If you encouter a preference problem after doing this, please let us know.

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