
Export *.mer files to JPG fails

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  • #270911 Reply

    I have just install MyEclipse IDE 5.5.1 on windows Xp pro.
    I make the *.mer file from my database shema and i make i right click to export *.mer file to *.jpg as do always with other versions of MyEclipse, but this time it fails .. this export *.jpg file with out error .. but when i try to see the jpg file it does not show me the right content.
    this is the image that i get..

    Thanks in advance
    Giorgos Maravelias

    #270986 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you generate a smaller diagram, with say 2 tables, can you export it correctly to a JPG without problems? I wonder if there is a memory limit being hit. Additionally you can check your log file (<workspace dir>\.metadata\.log) to see if there are exceptions getting written out when the export operation is failing.

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