
expression watch problem

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  • #199373 Reply


    I can not watch expressions’ value in the debug perspective,
    only variable vale can be watched? Why? Is there any wrong
    setting or configuration? What can I do? Thank you./

    #199379 Reply


    A couple of questions:

    1) What environment are you using (OS, Eclipse & MyEclipse versions, appserver)?

    2) Can you provide more context to your problem? For example does the problem occur for all applications, e.g., simple Java apps, jsp debugging, or enterprise project, …

    MyEclipse Support

    #199406 Reply


    Pentium 4 1.4g with 380 Mb RAM

    Windows 2000 server SP4
    JDK 1.4.2
    Eclipse 2.1.1 + MyEclipse 2.6.2(free downloading)
    weblogic server8.1

    In any web applications, when a breakpoint in a jsp file is arrived, I can not watch the value of expressions in expression window.
    It always says that wrong in computing expression. But I can watch
    the value of variable in variable windown correctly. However, in debugging servlet, both work well. (I have changed the J2ee lib from the original settings to including weblogic.jar and tools.jar. But nothing changed.)

    Is there any worng setting? Thank u.

    #199408 Reply


    The debugger model for JSPs is very different than debugging straight Java servlet code. For example, the MyEclipse environment has access to the Java source which I believe is required for expression watching. For JSPs the compiled Java servlet file is not available to MyEclipse.

    I’ve entered an issue report for further research on expression watching in JSP resources. If we determine that the feature is not generally available for JSPs we will update the MyEclipse documentation to reflect this fact.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    MyEclipse Support

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