
faceted version not changed after java version change

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  • #317061 Reply


    hi, if i change a projects java compiler from 1.4 to 1.5 for example the generated org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file still has the 1.4 value, if this is changed to a lot of projects it is kinda annoying having to set this value manually for each one…

    can i change this behaviour?

    #317065 Reply



    Can you answer some more questions for me to understand the issue better?

    1) Can you share your build id from Help > About MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench > Build Id ? Paste it here.

    2) Is it a simple Web project ?

    3) Can you list out steps in detail right from project creation for me to be able to replicate it at my end ?

    #317204 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I see what you mean and we’ll look into improving this for 9.0.1. This is another post which deals with changing the values using a property page instead of editing the XML file, in case you were not aware of that technique.


    Thanks for asking.

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