
Faclets Autocompletion for .html files

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  • #288359 Reply

    Robert Locklear

    We would like to use .html files for Faclets and this hasn’t been a problem however the “Visual JSF designer” does not auto-complete the JSF/Faclets tags when opening .html files even when they are valid xhtml files.

    I’ve tried making the VJD the default editor but that still doesn’t work.

    I’m using the new 7.0 M1 and I’ve tested this in the previous versions.

    Thanks and this is a great product!

    #288390 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    Just to clarify, you want your facelets xhtml files to end in the .html extension and you want the editor to treat it like an XHTML file?

    You might be able to trick it by going to Window > Prefs > General > Content Types, and drilling down to the XHTML content type and adding .html as an extension there:

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    #288394 Reply

    Robert Locklear

    That was it.


    #288401 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sweet, glad it worked.

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