
Feature List Blue Editon

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  3. WebSphere Development
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  • #285667 Reply



    i am using RAD for quite a while to develop JEE Applications for WAS. Now I am thinking of using MyEclipse but cannot get an clear image about the different editions. Is there a complete list of all the Blue Edition Features in comparison to the professional edition?

    I know that “MyEclipse Blue Edition is a powerfull IDE for IBM RAD and WebSphere developers” but the professional edition is powerfull as well, isn’t it?


    #285672 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I know that “MyEclipse Blue Edition is a powerfull IDE for IBM RAD and WebSphere developers” but the professional edition is powerfull as well, isn’t it?

    MyEclipse Blue has specialized development tools and support features specifically for the WebSphere 6.x and 5 application server platforms in addition to what the professional edition offers. You can take a look at the feature list here:-

    You might like to take a look at this doc as well since you have been using RAD:-

    #285751 Reply


    Thank you! The posted links helped me to get an overview of the blue edition features. A Feature Matrix for all the editons would be much more clearer.

    So if I get you right the professional edition doesn’t support WebSphere 6.x?
    WebSphere Support isn’t listed in the feature List (http://www.myeclipseide.com/module-htmlpages-display-pid-351.html) for the professional edition.

    #285765 Reply

    Loyal Water

    So if I get you right the professional edition doesn’t support WebSphere 6.x?

    It does support Web Sphere 6.x. I would suggest you go to our download page and grab the MyEclipse professional and Blue versions and take the 30 day trial. That would give you a better idea of the difference between these two.

    #285768 Reply


    Seems to be the only solution. I would appreciate a simple matrix showing the support for each feature in your editions.

    You guys did that for the “Standard” and the “Professional” edition. Why don’t you do it for the “Blue” edition too. I think of something more detailled than: http://www.myeclipseide.com/module-htmlpages-display-pid-1.html

    This would help a lot when a developer (like me) tries to convince his manager to bye one of your editions, instead of IRAD…

    #285769 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I’ll make a note of your request. Thank you for your feedback.

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