
feature: struts-xml verifies package/classes

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  • #200882 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    After getting pretty heavy into this project I’m working on and refactoring a lot of things, I’m starting to find a large amount of bugs caused by Eclipse’s refactoring support NOT changing the text of my classes in my XML files consistently. The problem here is that no errror is reporting to me except my webapp really starts to barf when I try and use it.

    It would be awesome if ME could make some attempts at verifying the resources I’m reference. For example:

    1) The full class name for the form-beans are given, maybe after parsing out the form beans ME would attempt to locate the class. if it doesn’t exist, mark the line with an error “Form Bean class does not exist”

    2) The full class name for the actions is given as well, provide similar behavior with checking if the class can be found in the project (or references projects)

    3) The actions with name attributes need to be referring to form-beans, since the form-beans are already parsed out to display the outline, it would be a huge help if the action’s name attribute could be checked against the beans to make sure there wasn’t a typo. If the name given in the action doesn’t match any of the declared beans, provide an error marking on the action “Reference form bean does not exist” or something to that extent.

    Its this little bugs I’m needing to track down via trial and error and its just eating up hours of my time. (I realize this IS technically my fault, but in the spirit of IDEs saivng us time, this would be fantastic functionality and I’m guessing not too hard since all the data you need, you already have (i n the outline view I can expand a form bean and double click the class to oppen it… the problem is if I give a bad class name, no mark is given and the double click-open just does nothing)


    #201497 Reply

    +1 for at least number 3 (1 and 2 a little less)

    #201503 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Going back and reading this post again just made me realize how bad I want these features…

    +5 🙂

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