
File Content Indexer like IntelliJ

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  • #502232 Reply



    I think this feature is very helpful:

    So 🙂 I would like to request this feature also in MyEclipse.

    An Indexer for all workspace files and contents, so we kann search much more faster in sources.

    Thank you

    #503012 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Thank you for asking. Just so we understand why you need this specifically, can you tell me what your use case is? Are you searching for text in all types of files across your workspace or are you searching only Java source code?

    If it’s the latter, I wanted to point out that the Java specific search wizard is quite powerful, fast and would use the internal JDT index, which will work anytime you need to search for Java constructs. Of course, I do understand that sometimes, even in source, all you need is a simple text search.

    There are several Eclipse plugins that you can use to add an indexed based search to MyEclipse: Instasearch: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/instasearch is one example, but you can find more listed in the Eclipse marketplace.

    #503013 Reply



    yes I want to search in all files in my workspace, aka full text search.
    Yes I know these plugins .. but I want something stable – like IntelliJ.

    Thats why I am making a feature request 🙂

    #503017 Reply


    I already tried the best one (InstaSearch) again … and it is not working!!!

    I am search for “aaa” and sometimes the seach shows me “bbb” …

    It is not stable!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by pan4o.
    #504780 Reply


    so, will you take this as a feature request or not?

    #504803 Reply



    The dev team will get back to you soon to discuss further.
    Thank you for your request.

    MyEclipse Support

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