
Files which are not part of a project do not have proper syntax highlighting

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  • #609672 Reply



    first of all, thank you very much for developing devstyle!

    When I open a Java file which is not located in any of the projects in eclipse (but does have .java file extension and has valid java code) the syntax highlighting does not seem to work properly.

    I have also encountered this problem (but cannot replicate it right now) with files which were part of the projects, i think it had to do with the nested maven projects i had. For example, when i searched for a class via CTRL+SHIFT+T, eclipse always shoed me multiple results of the same file but with different folders (which had to do with the nested/multi module maven projects).

    Anyways, what happens is that if this error occurs only a basic highlighting is applied. See this screenshot, on the right is a copy of the file on the left, which is saved outside of the eclipse projects:

    Highlighting problem

    I am currently using eclipse 2019-03 but the error also occurs with eclipse 2018-12. Latest devstyle version.

    #609678 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Hello @deinabi, thanks for reaching out! Can you confirm this issue is related to DevStyle? Does this only happen when you are using DevStyle theme? You can quickly check it by switching to Eclipse’s “Dark” theme in the Appearance preferences page.

    Aaron Lara

    #609690 Reply


    Hi Aaron,

    thanks for the quick reply. Should have tested that myself, but did not think about it since the first thing i do is install devstyle theme, for me its kinda default… 😀

    The problem does occur with the default eclipse dark theme too, so i’ll report a bug there.

    Thank you!

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