Are you looking for plugins which can analyze dead code ? If yes then you can install third party plugins like PMD (Project Mess Detector), UCDetector (Unused Code Detector ) on MyEclipse. Please check the compatibility of these plugins with Eclipse before installing them to MyEclipse.
There are ways to add plugins to MyEclipse. If you have an update site here is the instruction to add a plugin –
1. Help > MyEclipse Configuration Center > Software
2. Click on [Add Site]/[Add Local]/[Add Archive]
3. Enter name of the plugin
4. Enter update site URL
5. Click on [OK]
6. This will list your plugin under Personal Sites.
7. Select the plugin to be installed and click on [Next] and [Launch]
8. After the plugin is installed it will prompt you to restart MyEclipse. At this point it is recommended to restart MyEclipse
If you have a .zip file containing plugins/features releated to the plugin to be installed. You can copy and paste plugins and features to [MyEclipse installation dir]/dropins. (If you don’t have folders named plugins/features, it is recommended that you create them under dropins and copy and paste relevant plugins/features to their respective folders)
Let us know if you see any issues.