
folder icons keep reverting to eclipse icons

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  • #616888 Reply


    I like the DevStyle icons, but in the “Project Explorer” view, the folder icons will occasionally revert to the eclipse icons instead of the devstyle icons. Usually, over the course of days, maybe even weeks, it will start in one project then spread to others.

    The annoying workaround is to open the preference, 1) set the icon colors to None; 2) Apply; 3) Set icon colors to Pastels (or Primary); 4) Apply; 5) restart eclipse.

    That lasts for a while, but so far, for many months, it has not been permanent.

    #616889 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Hi Alan, sorry you are running into this issue. I have to add I haven’t seen such behavior in my regular development. Can you please add more details?

    1. OS and Arch.
    2. Eclipse Version.
    3. Type of projects and files that usually revert to the eclipse icon (or is it all of them?).
    4. Are you using a Dark theme or a Light theme?

    Aaron Lara

    #616890 Reply


    Hi Aaron,

    – I’m on 64-bit windows home 10
    – eclipse version 2019-06, but I have seen this since the Photon release (including 2018-09, 2018-12, and 2019-03)
    – I usually use the light theme, but I have seen it on the dark theme as well
    – I have seen it on Python, Java, and Angular projects

    #616891 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Thanks for the extra details. I’m going to log a bug against DevStyle to investigate this issue and see if we can come up with a fix for it in the next release.

    Aaron Lara

    #616922 Reply


    I’m attaching screenshots. Earlier today, the icons were fine. Then, later, the icons reverted (see attached file reverted-icons.png)

    In the preferences, I switched the theme to dark gray, applied, switched back to light gray applied. Then I restarted eclipse. When it came back up the icons were ok (see attached file fixed-icons.png)

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    #616926 Reply



    Thank you for the screenshots.

    Do you remember when exactly the icons switched? Is it during any specific action in the IDE?

    Can you please also send us the workspace log file which is located at workspace dir/.metadata/.log?
    If you see .bak.log files in the .metadata folder, then zip them all including the .log and send us to help us check if there are any errors/exceptions logged.

    Apologies for inconvenience caused.

    Genuitec Support

    #616953 Reply


    the logs are attached.

    The icons were again reverted this morning — I had shut the computer down, eclipse was the first thing I started when I booted the computer and logged in.

    A simple restart of eclipse fixed the issue — toggling the theme or icon settings may not always be necessary.


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    #616976 Reply



    Thank you for the logs. The dev team is looking into this issue.
    To rule out workspace issues, can you please check if you see the same problem in a fresh new workspace as well?
    If yes, then please also send us the log from the new workspace.

    Genuitec Support

    #616995 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Alan, I know we have been asking you a lot but we are having a hard time trying to replicate this issue. Sorry about that. I wonder if there’s a third party plugin you are using that can be contributing icons to the Project Explorer. Do you know of any other outstanding plugin you have installed that doesn’t normally come with your Eclipse package?

    Aaron Lara

    #617002 Reply


    I have seen it on other machines, but I don’t have that in front of me at the moment.

    This eclipse installation was originally photon, upgraded over time to 2019-06
    I don’t think there is anything significant installed other than the base Java IDE + codemix. Pydev was installed at one time but has been removed. Kotlin has been installed, but the issue showed up before Kotlin.

    I’m attaching my configuration if that helps.

    If I do run across this issue again on other machines, I will come back here and upload the config and logs for that machine

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    #617543 Reply


    I see the issue again on a fresh EE install of eclipse, no plugins except CodeMix. It took about 4 days to appear.
    I’m attaching a screen shot and the log.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Alan.
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    #617547 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Hello Alan, thanks for the Screenshot. Can you also share your errors log from this new workspace as well?

    Aaron Lara

    #617550 Reply


    Hi Aaron,

    If the error logs are different from the metadata logs, you’ll need to tell me where they are – I looked in the places I could think of. If it is not different, the log at ${workspace}\.metadata\.log was attached to my earlier message today as metadata.log


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Alan.
    #617552 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Yes, those are the ones I needed but I thought you were also using a new workspace. So you are using the same workspace with a new installation, right? If that’s the case it would still help if you send me the most recent .log file after you replicate the issue. That will make it easier to find a corresponding error.

    I notice not only the icons in the project explorer are unstyled, but also some of the ones in the main toolbar (save buttons). That’s why I assume there should be an error causing icons to stop being styled/replaced.

    #617557 Reply


    I am using a separate and new workspace. The log I sent today is from the new workspace.

    The projects within are from git, so their location is their git repository. The same git repository was imported to the new workspace. (I don’t know if that is relevant, but it is the only thing common between the 2 workspaces/eclipses)

    I’m attaching the log again (as .log). NOTE: the log has been updated since the first log upload upload earlier today. I restarted eclipse, and the icons are back to DevStyle now. That restart is in the log at the line !SESSION 2019-07-09 10:35:41.107

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