
font color settings using dark background

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  • #224240 Reply

    This question is in regards 3.8.4 running on 3.0.1 eclipse.
    I have reversed the colors in my copy of eclipse (to the best of my ability) Eg so the background in editors is a very dark grey. Here is my problem:
    using myeclipse for html, I find that, in particular, the “=” char does not seem to be controlled by myeclipse preferences. As a result all the equal signs are black on dark grey — not <optimal>. So I went looking in general eclipse preferences to change the editor font color but they don’t seem to ever change the actual font color — everything is still black no matter what color I ask for. I am still pretty new with eclipse so I may not have found all the settings, but right now it seems that some tokens in the various editors are going to be black and there is no way to change that.
    Please tell me what I am missing to get something that will solve this problem.

    Thanks for reading.

    #224256 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is an open enhancement request we want to address, but admitedly it is lined up behind some pretty high profile additions that we need to ready for the 3.9 release. I will add your comments to the issue so we can keep track how popular it is.

    #224295 Reply

    Thanks for the quick response — Is the enhancement request stored in some internal tracking system or is it somewhere a curious user (me) can look at it?

    #224300 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It is internal for now.

    #226069 Reply

    John Emmer

    Please add my vote for this enhancement. I find this quite annoying…

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