
Formatting code hangs MyEclipse

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  • #607585 Reply


    I created a custom editor preference format so I can have braces on the next line, etc. This formatting seems to work OK in most classes …. except in one class where when I click to Format the code, MyEclipse hangs and I have to force-quit.


    Any ideas why that hanging might happen and how to fix it?

    I tried re-creating the class, but that didn’t help.

    I tried totally re-creating the project also.

    Class is very simple so it’s unclear what’s going on.

    Project…clean didn’t help.


    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Mork.
    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Mork.
    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Mork.
    #607591 Reply


    I backed out a couple of the formatting modifications “Next Line” I added and it works OK now. Clearly a formatting bug of some type, but I don’t see how this is a MyEclipse issue.

    #607615 Reply



    Please send us 3-4 thread dumps when MyEclipse hangs. It would help us figure out what process is running. To take a thread dump, you will need to run
    jstack -l 9000 > dump1.txt
    Please replace 9000 with the PID of the MyEclipse process, the jstack program can be found in the bin directory of any JDK installation. If you can generate 3-4 dumps (sent to different files, of course) during the period of freeze, and attach those files here, that could help a great deal.

    Genuitec Support

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