
forward to action

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  • #217864 Reply


    Perhaps this already exists and I’m just not seeing it, but I’d like to when creating a new forward and clicking on the ‘browse’ button, be able to choose an action to forward to – as opposed to just jsp pages. Right now I have to create my actions, then either remember the specific text of the action I want and type it in, or edit the source of struts-config.xml to get the desired results.

    Thank You.

    #217873 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Good suggestion, I”ll go ahead and file it as an enhancement.

    #217882 Reply


    Thanks. It’s bellowed from the roof tops that it’s best practice to call actions and not jsp’s, so to not see that feature had me scratching my head 🙂

    #217883 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It’s bellowed from the roof tops that it’s best practice to call actions and not jsp’s

    IIRC we were thinking about it from a “when editing an Action, people will add forwards to JSP paegs” perspective, not the JSP > Action perspective, which is just as important.

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