I am assuming that GapDebug is starting up but the debugger (chrome webapp) is not launching. Correct?
If no goto #3 below.
If yes, here a few things to try:
1) verify that the debugger settings have a valid path to the chrome app that you want to use,
e.g, /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome is my setting
2) if #1 is correct and chrome does not launch with the debugger UI then try this:
a) in the Settings>Debugger use a “User assigned port”, e.g., 8080 or 8090
b) manually start chrome enter this url to open the debugger UI: http://localhost: user assigned port>/gapdebug/
– does the UI startup?
3) if #2b fails please share your gapdebug log. It is found at ~/.gapdebug/runtime/.metadata/.log
If you want to keep it private send to support at genuitec.com with title GapDebug log from calendee