
GapDebug EA3 Will Not Launch Debugger

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  • #350907 Reply


    Just installed newest version of GapDebug for Mac. GapDebug starts and runs properly. However, it will not actually open the debugger in any browser(Chrome or Canary) even with default settings and after reboot.

    Mac : OS 10.9.4
    GapDebug : Version 2014 EA3

    #350908 Reply



    I am assuming that GapDebug is starting up but the debugger (chrome webapp) is not launching. Correct?
    If no goto #3 below.
    If yes, here a few things to try:

    1) verify that the debugger settings have a valid path to the chrome app that you want to use,
    e.g, /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome is my setting

    2) if #1 is correct and chrome does not launch with the debugger UI then try this:
    a) in the Settings>Debugger use a “User assigned port”, e.g., 8080 or 8090
    b) manually start chrome enter this url to open the debugger UI: http://localhost: user assigned port>/gapdebug/
    – does the UI startup?

    3) if #2b fails please share your gapdebug log. It is found at ~/.gapdebug/runtime/.metadata/.log
    If you want to keep it private send to support at genuitec.com with title GapDebug log from calendee

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