Tagged: android file transfer, nexus 5
- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by
I am trying to connect my Nexus 5, Android 6.0.1 through GapDebug 2.2.0, on OSX 10.11.2.
I can see the phone from chrome://inspect/#devices.
All the debug options are ok.
I sometimes get intermittent connection and the phone keeps asking me if I want to accept the RSA fingerprint of the computer I am connected to.I had Android File Transfer installed until I started trying to use GapDebug.
To me, it seems that multiple processes are competing on getting debug access to the phone.
I also found out this from chrome://device-log:USBEvent[11:33:01] Failed to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
USBUser[11:30:54] USB device added: vendor=6353 “LGE”, product=20194 “Nexus 5″, serial=”XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX-9350-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBUser[11:30:53] USB device removed: guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXD2-82FF-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBEvent[11:30:53] Failed to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
USBUser[11:30:51] USB device added: vendor=6353 “LGE”, product=20194 “Nexus 5″, serial=”XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXD2-82FF-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBEvent[11:30:49] Failed to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
USBUser[10:55:55] USB device added: vendor=6353 “LGE”, product=20194 “Nexus 5″, serial=”XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXFD-BCAE-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBUser[10:55:55] USB device removed: guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXD88-92DE-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBUser[10:55:49] USB device added: vendor=6353 “LGE”, product=20194 “Nexus 5″, serial=”XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXD88-92DE-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBUser[10:55:29] USB device removed: guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXB8-9782-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBEvent[10:51:01] Failed to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
USBUser[10:45:45] USB device added: vendor=6353 “LGE”, product=20194 “Nexus 5″, serial=”XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXB8-9782-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBUser[10:45:45] USB device removed: guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXF5-8432-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBEvent[10:45:45] Failed to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
USBUser[10:40:54] USB device added: vendor=6353 “LGE”, product=20194 “Nexus 5″, serial=”XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, guid=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXF5-8432-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
USBEvent[10:40:53] Failed to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)Any hints?
support-michaelKeymasterhi @tenko
Thx for this feedback. I have the exact setup as you (nexus 5, android 6.0.1, osx 10.11.4, chrome latest ver 48.xxx). I just upgraded it to android 6 yesterday. So I ran several tests with the chrome inspect and gapdebug simultaneously and a few reboot cycles.Try the following:
When your device is connected by usb cable but does not appear in GapDebug device list, unplug cable and then reconnect. Does the device appear? There is an open issue that when GapDebug is started with a device already connected that it sometimes does not detect the device until it is reconnected.If your device does not appear, please open a term and run “adb devices”. This will list the usb connected devices. Does your device appear in the output?
When you get the usb connection approval dialog be sure to select the checkbox that allows the connection to always be trusted. This should minimize the number of future connection-trust dialogs that appear. I forgot to hit the checkbox early on and got the connection-security dialog until I enabled the checkbox.
Lastly, the access denied log entries are interesting. My first thought is similar to yours that there is contention for a usb interface (libusb). Are there other active usb connections, e.g., arduino, dev board, camera, …
tenkoParticipantHi Michael,
Thanks for your fast reply!
I tried running the SDK adb while GapDebug was still running and of course I got some errors:
$ sudo /Users/tenko/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb devices List of devices attached adb server is out of date. killing... adb I 47291 850210 usb_osx.cpp:259] Found vid=18d1 pid=4ee2 serial=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX adb I 47291 850210 usb_osx.cpp:259] adb E 47291 850210 usb_osx.cpp:331] Could not open interface: e00002c5 adb E 47291 850210 usb_osx.cpp:265] Could not find device interface error: could not install *smartsocket* listener: Address already in use ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * error: cannot connect to daemon
While after killing GapDebug everything works as expected, I can see my phone listed.
There are not any other devices, connected to my machine currently.
Did you ever have problems with Android File Transfer? Do you know if it installs any other version of libusb?
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support-michaelKeymasterI think the Android File Transfer (AFT) app is not compatible with Android 6. I remoted my mac, installed the app on my mac and run a quick test with an Android 6 device and an Android 5 device. GapDebug was not running during the tests. AFT works correctly against the Android 5 device. We know that Android 6 has a new permissions model that requires dangerous permissions such as usb connections to require user approval at runtime, not install time like Android 5 and earlier. I saw no permission requests from AFT.
I’m looking into that adb out of date msg.
tenkoParticipantUhm, interesting.
I’ll keep following the thread, please keep me posted! -