
Generate eclipse/myeclipse project files

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  • #226886 Reply


    Hi all,

    I have a big(!) application which I devided into a lot of “small” components (about 50). Each component may depend on other components and libraries. I plan to use eclipse (with myeclipse). Because there are so many components I am unable to create eclipse (and myeclipse) project manually for each component.
    I wrote a script file to generate the eclipse project (and classpath) files (with project/librarty dependecies), same for myeclipse project files.
    My problem is, that some features dont work properly with the generated project files; but they work well with manuell created projects.
    Here a specifc example: When I use “link to folder in the file system” for a webroot folder (say “webroot”) and the (target) folder is “files/webroot” every jsp/html error is indicated in both folders! In a web project created by the wizzard any jsp/html error is indicated only in the ‘virtual’ folder (“webroot”), which is correct.
    Now my question:
    * is it possible to generated myeclipse project files and import them into eclipse?
    * the attribute “id” in the file .mymetadata contains an id (e.g. “myeclipse.1111152009156”), is the id important or is it just and only a unique key without further purpose?
    * do you have any documents about the myeclipse project file settings (.mymetadata, .mystrutsdata)?

    With best regards

    Steve Brenner

    #226915 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I have asked a developer to comment, but because this isn’t supported I can’t garuntee they will if they are swamped with work.

    #226922 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    One of the developers replied to me with this, I hope it helps (although I think you are already on the right track):

    * is it possible to generated myeclipse project files and import them into
    Theoretically, I’d suggest you take a working one and use it as a template
    and generate new ones off of it.

    * the attribute “id” in the file .mymetadata contains an id (e.g.
    “myeclipse.1111152009156”), is the id important or is it just and only a
    unique key without further purpose?
    It’s simply a globally unique identifier, but it must be maintained when the
    project is referenced by an EAR project, for example.

    * do you have any documents about the myeclipse project file settings
    (.mymetadata, .mystrutsdata)?

    Good luck.

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