- This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 11 months ago by
PauldivaniiiMemberOn the Web Simulator I get this message when I try to create a new directory: “the operation failed because it would cause the application to exceed its storage quota”
Is there a size limit on the OS 7.0 iPhone simulator or am I hitting a different error?
PauldivaniiiMemberI need some guidance on how to set the local storage size on the Google simulator now being used to test and debug IOS applications. My application makes use of local storage to store image and video files and in test I get local storage errors.
support-michaelKeymaster>I need some guidance on how to set the local storage
I’m checking with the dev team to see if the simulator’s file storage emulation has any known issues.
A quick question about your use of file-based storage, are you setting up the data for backup, tmp storage and do you really need file-based storage? HTML5 local storage is available to you and is much easier to use – just say’n.Also can you post an example of the code you are using that is bonking?
(if you hit a snag posting code, try posting the file; the forums exploit system can get anal about some code that looks like a hack attempt)
PauldivaniiiMemberI have uploaded a compressed file that contains a sample that reproduces the issue I reported.
Had to remove the image files to make it fit under 1 meg.
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PauldivaniiiMemberTo answer one of the other questions. Yes, I am looking for “permanent” storage for the media the user is acquiring while using the application. They are taking photos, videos and audio recordings of different people and I am using a folder system to store the different media files to isolate them. If you can suggest another alternative storage format and provide code samples I would gladly change.
I am also displaying thumbnails of the files on a media library screen. The data are eventually shipped out through a series of web service calls.
Have you been able to reproduce this with the sample code I put on this thread?
The problem is now much more urgent. The behavior on the simulator is duplicated on an Android phone. The PERSISTENT storage works just fine on the iPhone.
On another note. Local storage on the simulator are not retained between Mobi-One sessions. This was not the case in the old simulator. Once I set my setup values they were available every time I started Mobi up and started to debug again.
Have you been able to reproduce this with the sample code I put on this thread?
The problem is now much more urgent. The behavior on the simulator is duplicated on an Android phone. The PERSISTENT storage works just fine on the iPhone.
On another note. Local storage on the simulator are not retained between Mobi-One sessions. This was not the case in the old simulator. Once I set my setup values they were available every time I started Mobi up and started to debug again.
support-michaelKeymaster>Have you been able to reproduce this with the sample code I put on this thread?
Not yet. It’s still in the queue.
What version(s) of android are you targeting. Have you reviewed http://caniuse.com/#cats=HTML5 to confirm that your target devices support the api. HTML5 continues to evolve and mature across ios and android. You’ll find better success using the latest android versions 4.3 & 4.4 than older android 2.x. The same goes with ios7.> Local storage on the simulator are not retained between Mobi-One sessions
Will give it a look and discuss with dev team tomorrow.
PauldivaniiiMemberSo I think the Android issue may have been solved over the weekend by checking the “External Storage” option when building the Android version. My Android tester was able to store a picture and the GetDirectory errors went away. He was having trouble with Video files but I think that was an error in setting up the file URI (path) to use.
Still have the issue on the simulator which would go a long way to allow me to test things there. Having to debug from the phone is extremely time consuming.
Thanks for providing an update.
support-michaelKeymaster>Still have the issue on the simulator which would go a long way to allow me to test things there. Having to debug from the phone is extremely time consuming.
I was looking at this last night. I’m able to create a persistent file system that spans Simulator sessions using the html file api. Today I’ll compare my impl to the simulator’s cordova file api emulation. I’ll share what I find.