
Getting MyEclipse build error

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  • #272812 Reply


    In MyEclipse 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0 M1 (I’ve tried it in all three) I get the following error:

    The project was not built due to “A resource exists with a different case: /napi/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/org/lds/ics/napi/setup/leaderSearch/list.”. Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent

    I’ve checked, and there is no existence of the same path with different case. After searching the error message on the web, the only thing I can come up with is that MyEclipse doesn’t like package names in camel case. How can I change this setting in MyEclipse?

    #272835 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Camel case is fine. Can you refresh the package and double check that the actual package name in the package explorer is typed exactly the same as the “package” statement at the top of his source file.

    #272840 Reply


    No, because the resource referenced in the error message points to a package, not to an actual source file. I have checked all source files in the “list” package, and all have package declarations correct. I have tried a clean and refresh several times, and still the error persists. I should note also that the error appeared only *after* I added Web Project Capabilities to the proejct. There was no error prior to this, when it was simply a Java project.

    #272844 Reply


    On further inspection, I am convinced it is indeed because of camel case in my package names. I checked my build output folder, and it had changed the package name from leaderSearch to leadersearch.

    Since this occurs only when I use MyEclipse, I have to conclude that it is a MyEclipse problem, rather than an Eclipse problem.

    I just checked the Java Specification, third edition, and there is nothing that says you can’t have camel case for package names. So, it appears this is a bug that MyEcliipse will need to fix.

    #272864 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Can you list the steps to reproduce this error. Thank you for your help.

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