
Glassfish Deployment and EJB 3.0

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  • #274131 Reply


    I am new to EJB 3.0 and JPA technologies, so please excuse me for asking such a rudimentary question.

    I am developing a simple Java EE application running on glassfish version 9.0.01, buuild b02-p01. I used the windows installer to set everything up for the server. I am using JDK

    I am using Eclipse Europa to develop the application. I have an Enteripse application that includes a EJB project and a Web project. I am using ANT to build the application. In the Web project I have placed an index.html file to ensure I can hit the web application berfore I go any farther. The web project has two servlets. In one servlet, I called the Remote Interface for the EJB and performed some operation. This reference is made using annotations. The EJB project has developed several persistence classes and one EJB with a Remote interface. Everything seems to be building correctly. I have used annotations to handle the EJB and Entity portion of the EJB project.

    When I deploy the application to the application server, I see no errors in the server log. As a matter of fact, the log file states the ear deployed correctly. When I go look at the admin console, I am not seeing any errors either.

    In the my-ejb.jar file I do not include a ejb-jar.xml or sun-ejb-jar.xml. I am letting annotations handle building this deployment descriptor. In the war file, I have not included a sun-web.xml. The sun-application.xml is not in the ear file. The ear file has the application.xml, The war file has the web.xml file.

    When trying http://localhost:7182/MyWebContext/index.html for hitting the Web container using my IE 6.0 browser I receive this:


    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post.


    #274318 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am using Eclipse Europa to develop the application.

    No MyEclipse? 🙁

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