
Google Map polyline

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  • #343691 Reply


    Hi guys,

    In attachement is a code that is confusing me!
    I need that when new segment of polyline is drawed on the map that the previous one is deleted. I don’t know how to do that.

    In “standard” jQuery that is “automaticly”.

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    #343722 Reply

    Hi Funci,

    General map api programming is outside of our support scope. Perhaps others have some ideas. You could take a look at the Map Developer guide, that cover basic map features. Once you cross into directions or regional searching and so on, then the use-cases become more complicated and custom. By using the google maps api you can use google’s tutorials and examples available from the internet such as stackoverflow and other good resources. Also you could try googling as there is a lot of information just a search away.

    #343723 Reply


    Hi Octavio,

    Thx on advice… but I already did that all.
    Maybe if somebody else can try to help me it would be very kind 🙂

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