
Google Play Upload Error

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  • #339578 Reply

    We Got Apps

    Each time I try to upload a new APK to Google Play, I get the following error:

    You uploaded an APK with an invalid version code, a version code must be specified and should be a positive integer.

    When I load the file on a device the version seems to match what I have in the build configuration. I have tried this in a number of different formats to see if it would load, but nothing seems to fix the Google issues. It’s almost as though it’s updating the CodeName but not CodeVersion. I can’t find any way to change these manually, since the build happens in the cloud. Any direction would be helpful.


    #339580 Reply

    We Got Apps

    I get the following error on Amazon, pretty similar. There were no previous uploads on this app in Amazon.

    Failed to upload binary. Binary version code is invalid. Possible causes are a missing version code or lower version code than a previous one. Version code: null

    #339630 Reply


    Thanks for reporting this issue. We are investigating and will follow up asap.

    #339640 Reply


    update: the dev team investigated the issue and confirmed there is an issue in the manifest generation. We have a fix in the codebase and will be available in the upcoming service release #1 to be available this week.

    #339641 Reply

    We Got Apps

    I had previously posted (guest account: bisskut) about another error I had encountered and it seems these are both affecting the core functionality of the application. It’s feeling more like a beta test and I’m wasting time discovering these issues. I haven’t purchased the license yet, but I’m feeling I should be considering other options if this software isn’t ready to hit the floor running.

    #339645 Reply


    We have been up front that MyEclipse 2013 introduces the first release of the mobile developer tools qualified as early-access #1 release. Your issue is legit and we are hustling to provide improvement. Taking a bit longer term view we will soon be accelerating updates with improved and unique mobile dev features that you can’t find elsewhere on the eclipse platform.

    #339674 Reply

    We Got Apps

    Can you let me know when the release will be ready? I think most users are more flexible on getting improvements released and dealing with bugs, but being able to get the archive back for submission is crucial.

    #339777 Reply


    We are wrapping up a few improvements and fixing a few remaining issues. We are targetting the next release for late next week.

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