
Graphics and how to implement drawing

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  • #332617 Reply


    Most of my apps are based on user drawing something, for example, I have one where I use graphics in a forensic environment and load a scene image and then place “markers” (really dots) on the screen to indicate points of interest. I’ve indexed these items and linked them to a SQL database where I can elaborate on what the marker represents. Additionally, I have “markers” on medical anatomical outlines to indicate wounds, trama, etc. and want to index these to a database and link (and display in a popup) actual detailed images of what the wound looks like with textual narration.

    So, primitive graphics: line, arc, circle, rectangle, ellipse, etc. are needed. I’ve tried using javascript, but am not well-versed in js programming. Also, getting mouse (or touch) XY position is useful, though I figured that out, but a library of simple mouseover, drag image, etc. library with simple instructions would be nice.

    You guys are really busy and I appreciate all you do. Just thought I’d put my 2 cents worth in. I bought MobiOne and am very, very impressed and pleased with what it does so far.

    I can send a short video on my forensic app and show you where I’m headed if you want. If so, let me know where to send the link…

    #332633 Reply


    Hi wildwex

    I’m also not a Javascript expert but have had some good success with createjs in a brower. Its a really easy library to learn and lets you pretty easily create and animate the shapes you will need for your apps. I just have not quite got it working in Mobione at the moment. I can’t quite figure out how to get a shape drawn into the canvas in mobione yet!

    I don’t think its that difficult as in your other thread a similar library has been used. I would very much like to use the similar features you want, and think an external JS library is the way ahead.

    Any chance of a little how to?


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