
Groovy class files not included in deployment

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  • #309932 Reply

    I have installed the groovy plug-in and enabled groovy nature for a java project. I can run a java class that uses a groovy class from MyEclipse, but when the project is deployed by MyEclipse, it does not include the compiled groovy .class files. How do I tell MyEclipse to include the groovy .class files that are in bin-groovy with a deployment?

    #309942 Reply


    but when the project is deployed by MyEclipse, it does not include the compiled groovy .class files.

    Can you clarify how you are deploying a java project? Are you referring to the “Run As” context menu?

    #309957 Reply

    No, on the Servers tab I have a Tomcat server configured, I click “add deployment” and select a project, then right click and say “deploy”. MyEclipse copies the exploded war out to my tomcat instance that I have configured. The problem is that it is not copying the .class files generated by the groovy compiler that are in the bin-groovy folder. It just copies the .class files from the bin folder. I’m running MyEclipse 8.5. I just need a way to configure the deployment to include the .class files in the bin-groovy folder.

    #309970 Reply

    This is still not clear to me. Can you please list out the steps in detail, right from the project creation, to replicate your issue?
    Can you send us some screen shots showing us what exactly is happening?
    Also, can you copy paste your installation details from MyEclipse > installation Summary > Installation Details?
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

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