
gwt-maven-plugin usage

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  • #313588 Reply


    I would appreciate it if someone could supply the steps to create a maven project within MyEclipseForSpring using the gwt-maven-plugin archtype, version 2.1.

    I tried to follow the mojo instructions that ME4S mentions in its GWT Scaffolding tutorial, but it isn’t clear how to do it within eclipse. The mojo tutorial wants you to create it with shell commands.
    1. How to create the maven project
    2. How to configure the file structures, and the POM file dependencies.
    3. How to deploy it within myeclipseforspring hosted mode, and then standalone. Do I need to install external GWT SDK software?


    #313608 Reply



    Please share your installation details with us from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details.

    #313682 Reply


    I am not sure what you are asking for.

    I installed the gwt plugin and the gwt-maven-plugin archtype just fine, and used the archtype to create a project. I followed the tweaks that mojo says to do (http://mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-plugin/user-guide/archetype.html) up until the compile of the project. Now I am not sure if I “make it a gwt project” with myeclipseforspring rt-click/webtoolkit properties, or not. I am not sure what to put in the <module> tag in the POM.

    Has anyone in support successfully created a maven project with the gwt-maven-plugin archtype?
    Thanks, Jenny

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