
having a single src tree for Enterprise Projects

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  • #228372 Reply


    I have created a new Enterprise Application Project. Like most EARS this consists of a WAR a number of EJBs and some POJOs (PlainOld java Objects) which are passed between the servet container and the EJB Container.

    In MyEclipse if you want all this it seems you end up with 4 projects:
    EAR Project
    Web Project
    EJB Project
    Java Project.

    My first question is that the EAR Project seems to just be a way of controlling the other three but there is no visual representation to inform you of that.

    The second point is more problematic, each project gets its own src directory which is created under its associated project. If we use this default and then want to use a source control system we have to have three different repositories, furthermore if we use build scripts such as ant compilation is more difficult because the package hireachy is spread out own three locations.
    We would prefer to just have one src directory this can be done with MyEclipse using Create New /Link to External Folder and pointing all three projects to the same location however this means that each project can see all the src tree we would only like it to see the part of the src tree applicable to itself. We have tried setting exclusion patterns but it make s no difference are exclusion patterns only taken into account for building the source or should they effect what is seen. What is the solution to this problem ?

    #228383 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    My first question is that the EAR Project seems to just be a way of controlling the other three but there is no visual representation to inform you of that.

    Yes you are correct. What kind of visual representation would you have liked to see?

    The limitations you are running into now are one of our biggest focuses for the 5.0 release, more flexible project construction via “modules”. Until then, I can only suggest that either you make all 4 project separate modules (not repositories) in your CVS repo or you can make it one giant project that is controlled entirely by a custom Ant script, however you may likely loose some of the benefits of MyEclipse if you do this. I would encourage you to keep it in the modular/project approach as that is translatable easily to many other IDEs, where as the custom approach may not be so.

    #228395 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Yes you are correct. What kind of visual representation would you have liked to see?

    I would expect the subprojects to branch off the main project
    |— WebProject
    |— EJB Project
    |— POJO Project
    SomeOtherUnconnectedProject in the Navigator View

    #228750 Reply


    I would like to see the directory structure look like that also. We have the same repository problem and also an incompatibility problem with IDE’s like JBuilder and IntelliJ. Our company uses MyEclipse, JBuilder and IntelliJ. JBuilder expects and single source directory and a single project directory with multiple modules under it. IntelliJ expects a single project with multiple modules each having their own src directory. MyEclipse expects multiple project directories each having their own src directory. Our developers all strongly feel that their IDE is the best and won’t budge to use a common IDE. A configurable enterprise project structure is the only way to make team development work across multiple IDE’s and CVS.

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