
Help Broken [Closed]

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  • #198475 Reply


    After installing the workbench the majority of my help system is broken. The Help Contents and the MyEclipse Help display a blank frame. I am running Eclipse 2.1.0 on Windows 2000.

    #198478 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Here’s a thread that reported a similar problem and resolution. It appears to be caused by an environmental issue, but hopefully this will help you run it down. Please let us know if it gets you up and running:

    MyEclipse Support

    #198480 Reply


    The thread suggestions I saw were:

    1. reboot
    2. check extensions dir
    3. check the log

    Rebooting did not fix the problem. I have not added any jars to my JDK’s extensions directory. Also, I view the log file and there are no recent entries.

    #198483 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Interesting. The other thing to verify is the number of plugins in your Eclipse installation that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*. If it’s not 7, you don’t have a full Eclipse installation and this will be the issue. Another thing to check is your Eclipse configuration at Help > About Eclipse Platform > Configuration Details. Have a look at the JDK settings etc and make sure they look correct for your platform.

    If that’s all ok, I’d suggest uninstalling MyEclipse then relaunching Eclipse to see if Help is working. If it’s not, I’d check the log again to look for an error entry.

    Please let us know what you find.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198484 Reply


    1. There were 7 .pde.* files
    2. I did not see anything unusual in the Config. Details.
    3. I uninstalled MyEclispse, re-launched Eclipse and the Help worked.
    4. I re-installed MyEclipse and Help is now working.

    I have Eclipse on my T: drive. On first install of MyEclipse, it was installed on the C: drive. When I re-installed MyEclipse, I installed it on the T: drive so both are on the same drive. There is only one physical drive with multiple partitions. This is the only difference I am aware of.

    Thanks for you help : )

    #198485 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Glad to hear you’re up and running!

    It’s peculiar that different drive installations may be the issue. Thanks for posting the resolution back to the thread so if it comes up again we’ll have more to go on.

    MyEclipse Support

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