
help:can’t sent URL to Phone

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  • #333845 Reply


    i have a problem with mobione v2.3
    i try to sent url to phone, but error like this

    #333870 Reply

    Hi eikic1,

    You got that message because you’re trying to share a local URL, and it would work in mobile devices. Try publishing as Mobile Web Application and you can receive a notification, in case you don’t, when Test Center opens the uploaded web app, you can use this option to send the URL to your email.

    #333896 Reply


    @support-octavio wrote:

    Hi eikic1,

    You got that message because you’re trying to share a local URL, and it would work in mobile devices. Try publishing as Mobile Web Application and you can receive a notification, in case you don’t, when Test Center opens the uploaded web app, you can use this option to send the URL to your email.

    thanks for respond

    I mean, I want to install via emails, previously could be done, but after I restart the PC, so it’s like this
    so any solution bro??

    #333905 Reply
    #334181 Reply


    @support-octavio wrote:

    Hi eikic1,

    To create an installable app for your device you should create it from Design Center:
    Android: https://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/buildandroidapp/buildandroidapp.html#using_build_android_wizard
    iOS: http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/buildiosapp/buildiosapp.html#using_build_ios_wizard

    thanks bro, but i mine i want to “WIRELESSLY INSTALLING THE IOS APP ON YOUR DEVICE” but stilll appear popup error in my 1st post

    #334188 Reply


    > i have a problem with mobione v2.3, i try to sent url to phone, but error like this

    The error message indicates that you are trying to send a local file system URL (e.g., file://c/) to a device which is impossible. That is, your device will not understand what file:// is since it is relative to the machine you are running MobiOne on.

    Instead use the Publish as Mobile Web Application action instead of the Send URL.

    Let’s take a step back and I’ll explain why you get this error notice.

    Run in Test Center
    – this feature generates the html5 code from your user interface. The code is stored in subdirectory named after your UI file. For example if you use Run in Test Center for the login.mobi file, a subdirectory named login-www/ will be created and all code saved into

    – Once the code has been generated, MobiOne will launch the Test Center with a URL to this code. The URL will look something like this:

    Play close attention to the URL scheme as it begins with file:// not the customary http:// that you see when accessing a site.

    – Send URL
    The screenshot indicates you are selecting Send URL action in the Test Center. The error notice is stating that the Test Center is currently running a local URL for files that are only accessible to applications running on the machine. Thus your mobile device has no way of understanding what file:/// means.

    As I have already mentioned use the Publish as Mobile Web Application to quickly preview and test your project on a mobile device

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