
Help deploying on Mac OS X Server

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  • #229116 Reply


    I am trying to debug with Eclipse 3.1M6, MyEclipse 3.8.4, JBoss 3.2.3, and Tomcat 4.1.29 on a Mac OS X 10.3.9 server. I am able to do the tutorial and deploy the helloWorld example. However, if I try to debug, I get an unable to connect to JVM prompt. In checking here, I see that Tomcat 5.0x is required to debug. However, Mac OS X Server 10.3.x (and apparently 10.4.x) ship with Tomcat 4.x. Is there a way to debug with that setup? Is there a way to add Tomcat 5.0x to the exisitng 4.x configuration on Mac OS X Server for the debugging, and then deploy on Tomcat 4.x? I am new at this, so please be gentle.
    Thank You for your help
    Eytan Bernet

    #229136 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Eytan, a few things:

    However, if I try to debug, I get an unable to connect to JVM prompt.

    Are you manually trying to connect to the running app server? If you started Tomcat with MyEclipse’s toolbar button, then there is no need to, the debugger is automatically connected for you, so you can just start setting breakpoints without any problems.

    I see that Tomcat 5.0x is required to debug.

    Actually JSR-45 is required for full debugging, and Tomcat 5.0.x and greater supports that, so the version you are using now *might* give you flaky debugging with your servlets and other classes, but that is it. You won’t be able to debug your JSP pages with Tomcat 4.x

    Is there a way to add Tomcat 5.0x to the exisitng 4.x configuration on Mac OS X Server for the debugging

    All you need to do is download Tomcat 5.0.x and unzip it to a new location, go to your Window > Preferences > MyEcliupse > Application Servers > Tomcat 5 settings and point it at your new install of Tomcat, then you are done.

    #229149 Reply


    Thank you for your help. That worked. I had to also disable the JBoss server in system admin so as they were not both vying for port 8080. I guess I could change the JBoss port, but I have nothing to run there yet anyway…

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