
Help generating DAOs that implement and interface

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  • #268384 Reply



    I am going through my first round trip of reverse engineering hibernate code and using it in a spring application.

    However, when my application starts up I get an exception creating the transactionManger bean: PropertyAccessExceptionsException.

    In my applicationContext (reverse gen is putting all my hibernate config details in here) I have beans for the DAO’s that reverse gen made, the datasource, sessionFactory and the transactionManager.

    People on other forums claim the problem is wiring the DAO classes to the session. I have read the solution is to have my DAO implement an interface and then wire that interface to the sessionFactory, not the DAO itself.

    Does this sound correct? How can I get reverse gen to do this if its true?

    I am sure other people are maintaining spring applications using reverse generated hibernate code. Could someone else outline how they are doing this? I have not been able to find a good tutorial on this.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    #268388 Reply


    Ok, looks like I have gotten past this issue.

    I have a threading going on the Spring framework page:


    It contains an answer to the exception I posted here. I am onto a new issue though, but I don’t think it relates to this forum.

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