I am creating a small CMP EJB application using JDK1.5, Eclipse 3.1, Myeclipse 4.0, & JBOSS 4.0.3 with JBOSS IDE for Eclipse. I ve written a small bean implementation calss. Then I created xdoclet-build.xml using Window provided for same in Myeclipse. Name of my bean implementation class is:-“cartmasterbean”
When I select option “RUN XDOCLET” it generates following files:-
& 3 xml descriptors files correctly.
But the Problem here is that in above list of generated java files it does not genarates the seperate remote interface file for bean. Instead when I am deploying the jar it treats cartmasterbean.java file as my remote interface which is actually my bean implementation calss & gives me error like
12:47:48,734 WARN [verifier] EJB spec violation:
Bean : cartmasterbean
Section: 9.2.7
Warning: Entity bean’s remote interface must extend the javax.ejb.EJBObject interface
I think here it is not generating Remote interface during build. How to solve this problem???? to create some remote interface like cartmaster.java????
Pls help me…