
Help?! need help with MDBs/web-app posting to Queue [JNDI]

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  • #204970 Reply

    Brice Ruth

    I’m trying to put together a basic “proof-of-concept” enterprise application that has one EJB component (an MDB) and one web module component (a Struts application that sends a message to a queue).

    I’m trying to follow the example provided in the J2EE 1.3 tutorial for the SimpleMessageClient, but I’m getting a bit tripped up with JNDI. The SimpleMessageClient JAR has a jndi.properties file that apparently is considered when the InitialContext is created – I’ve done some googling and I think I’ve figured that bit out (not sure what all the entries mean, exactly, but I’ll get there). Within the JARs META-INF directory, however, is an application-client.xml and jboss-client.xml file that I’m guessing is key to the JNDI stuff hooking up properly between the client and the jBoss server.

    I have no idea how to generate these (XDoclet?!) or where they would even go in a WAR.

    I’m running Eclipse 3.0M6 w/ MyEclipse 3.6.2 against jBoss 3.2.3.

    Any assistance would be much appreciated – the J2EE literature I have right now is close to worthless … first, its J2EE 1.4, second – the only Servlet/JSP example they have accesses a Session/Entity bean, and the only MDB example they have is used from a command-line client like SimpleMessageClient.

    Brice Ruth

    #205107 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I can’t offer any direct advice since your question is so specific to JBoss and MDB usage. However, I found a few sources through this search that might help you out:

    #205112 Reply

    Brice Ruth

    I’ve gotten things working now – I just need to sit down and figure out what the best way is to auto-generate those files through XDoclet.

    #205118 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    That’s great to hear. When you manage to get the XDoclet tweaked out the way you like it, could you post a little description as a followup to help the rest of our users that are trying to walk the same path? 🙂

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