
Help with running JS in Console – CLOSED

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  • #345178 Reply

    Hi there,

    I am using ver 2.5.0(20131028) on a Win7 system.
    I am testing with Cordova 2.9.
    My iPhone is model 4 running IOS 6.1.3 and IPOD running IOS 7.04

    Before the new release of M1, I was able to open the console window in the Test Center and type in my JS function names from my custom.js file and debug them.

    Under the new web emulator, I am not able to do that. Or I am doing something totally wrong. I keep getting ReferenceError: <function> not defined or <variable> not defined.

    Can anyone tell me what has changed, or what am I doing wrong.

    Thanks in advance.


    #345183 Reply

    Hi TG,

    Can you share a screenshot to make clearer for us the issue?

    #345184 Reply


    See this screenshot of the Chrome Mobile Web Simulator’s js console setting where I change the document setting to the app’s html page. Let me know if this helps. See attachment jsconsole-context.png

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    #345189 Reply

    Thank You Wayne, that did it.

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