
Hibernate Console Classpath

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  • #258482 Reply

    Luca Gambineri

    Hi all,
    I try to config classpath for hibernate console in MyEclipse Hibernate Perspective but it seem to be impossible..
    I would like to replicate the behavior of the Hibernate Console Plugin (3.2 Beta7)
    Any suggestions ??

    #258490 Reply

    Haris Peco

    inspect.it ,

    You don’t have to config classpath in MyEclipse – add Hibernate (or Spring) capabilities in your project and create *.hql file – MyEclipse will config classpath for you


    #258491 Reply

    Luca Gambineri

    I have done… but it doesn’t work.
    Adding “Hibernate Capabilities” to a project I have thought that “hibernate console” took the project classpath… but it doesn’t happen. In the “original” Console Plugin I can define classes and resources to be used by console (../bin, ../xxx.jar and so on) so I can test HQL query using (also) “external” classes.


    #258492 Reply

    Haris Peco
    I have done... but it doesn't work. 

    Please, send us more details

    – your database configuration (database , jdbc …)
    – your error log when you create and/or execute *.hql (Windows-Show view-Other-PDE runtime-Error log)

    There isn’t Hibernate console in MyEclipse – MyEclipse configure classpath from project’s claspath


    #258493 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We do not support the “original” console plugin. However, as Peco said above, our HQL editor will setup the classpath such it is identical to your project’s classpath – all JARs and binary classes in your project should be visible. Dependent projects are not added to this classpath.

    If you can give us a better idea of what is going wrong, we’ll be able to provide more support. Could you elaborate exactly what you mean by “external” classes?
    Also, please answer all relevant questions asked here: [URL=http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html]Posting Guidelines[/URL]


    #258494 Reply

    Luca Gambineri

    Hi Brian,

    so if I need (and I NEED!! ) to include dependent projects in my console classapth (to test queries)
    I have to create “.jar” file(s) and add this (these) to the ‘current’ project classpath ?
    Any other suggestion ?
    Thanks very much !!

    #259082 Reply


    I would also be interested in that capability. I have some custom types that are residing on a dependent project and because of that I can’t use the HQL Editor and so on…

    Is there a workaround?

    Thanks in advance,


    #259091 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Hi guys,

    Unfortunately there is no work around right now other than making required classes available on the classpath of the main project, without using project references.

    During design we assumed that this would be a very rare use case but evidently it is not. Your reports increase the priority of multi-project support for the HQL editor, we hope to be able to implement this in the next release.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused until then and thank you for the feedback.


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