I’m trying to use MyEclipse->Generate POJOs to generate java class files from a hibernate mapping.
All is going well, aside from one issue when generating boolean getters. Here’s an example.
We have a collumn EXPIRED_FL which contains either null if the person is alive, or Y if a person has passed away. I’ve mapped this property to the person class in this way:
<property name="isExpired" formula="nvl(EXPIRED_FL,'N')" type="yes_no" not-null="true">
This works when I use a manually created class with a method
public boolean isExpired()
However, what MyEclipse generates is the following method:
public Boolean getIsExpired()
Now, I can almost live with the Boolean instead of boolean, but what I can’t abide is the “getIs”.
How can I get MyEclipse to generate a method which starts with “is”?