
Hibernate RE, Abstract POJOs & property scope

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  • #262652 Reply


    As you no doubt know, one of the important parts of implementing a Hibernate entity is implementing .equals() and .hashCode() in a business key sense. Currently, when REing a table for Hibernate as an abstract and concrete POJO, all of the properties are created as private member variables of the abstract class with public getters and setters. This makes implementing .equals() and .hashCode() in the concrete class a bit more complicated, since using the Source -> Generate hashCode() and equals() available in Eclipse 3.2 doesn’t work for the concrete class because the member variables aren’t visible.

    So how about adding an option when REing the table to specify the visibility of the abstract class variables that correspond to Hibernate properties?


    #262738 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Good suggestion for an enhancement, I will file it.

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