
Hibernate Tutorial [Closed]

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  • #216322 Reply

    Tom Marsh

    I’ve been going through the hibernate demo / tutorial using my own project for an example. I get to the part where we create the AddVIPData.jsp in the struts workbench, we look at the code generated, and shazamm! 😯 The code is all changed! How did this happen? Was the code generated somehow? This occurs between frame 183 and frame 184 of the demo.


    What have I missed?

    #216329 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    How did this happen? Was the code generated somehow?

    It was just pasted in for demo purposes (if he had tried to type that during the demo recording, I imagine it wouldn’t have gone over well ;).

    #216341 Reply

    Tom Marsh


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