
hibernate xdoclet generation problem

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  • #215340 Reply

    Stephen Smith

    I’m having trouble getting the Xdoclet build to actually create any Hibernate mapping files. I’m using Hibernate+Xdoclet as described in the MyEclipse 2 documentation (ie: not the automatic stuff as part of MyEclipse 3.8.1)

    Sometimes it will generate mapping files but most of the time it will not. Lately it refuses to generate them at all. One added issue is that I’m using the Subversion plugin for Eclipse (Subclipse 0.9.19)

    The Xdoclet build file is unmodified from being generated by the MyEclipse Xdoclet GUI builder, when I do an Xdoclet build I get the following output in the console:

    Buildfile: C:\eclipse-SDK-3.0-win32\eclipse\workspace\Test\xdoclet-build.xml
    [webdoclet] (XDocletMain.start                   47  ) Running <deploymentdescriptor/>
    [webdoclet] Generating web.xml.
    [hibernatedoclet] (XDocletMain.start                   47  ) Running <hibernate/>
    Total time: 7 seconds

    Normally, after the _generation_ prompt it will spit out the files as they are being processed. Does anyone have any hints on this issue? I’ve noticed that there is an issue in Eclipse 3.0’s bug database about random file locking and the inability to regenerate files after an initial run of XDoclet, but the recommended solution (restarting Eclipse, or waiting for a period of time for the locks to be removed) doesn’t work for me.

    Eclipse Platform
    Version: 3.0.0
    Build id: 200406251208

    Version 3.8.1+QF20040825

    #215353 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you erasing the old mapping files before rerunning XDoclet? I’ve noticed sometimes it doesn’t notice changes and won’t update the files appropriately.

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