
Hot code replace failed [Closed]

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  • #197398 Reply

    Hello all,

    I have the following problem:
    When I change my source code and the Tomcat is running I get the message “Hot code replace failed – scheme change not implemented”.

    I tried the hot code replace in a sample project at home and all worked fine.

    The main difference between the home and the office installation is the server.xml file. In my office installation I mapped the webapp to the root, at home all was set to the default.

    Are there any known problems with a changed server.xml?

    I’m using Tomcat4 in the office and Tomcat5 at home. Maybe this is the problem?

    My configuration in the office:
    Eclipse 2.1.1
    MyEclipse 2.5.1
    Tomcat 4.1.18

    at home:
    Eclipse 2.1.1
    MyEclipse 2.5
    Tomcat 5.0.4


    #197408 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’d imagine the real difference is what version of JDK you’re using. JDK 1.4.1, (NOT 1.4.2), seems to have the best compliance to Sun’s own spec for JPDA and as such works the best with Eclipse. There are known issues in debugger interaction between Eclipse 2.1.1 and JDK 1.4.2.

    Of course, the other problem might be the type of change you’re attempting. Hot code replacement won’t work if you change the “shape” of a class (add/remove methods, variables, change signatures), but works well if you confine your changes to the interiors of methods.

    MyEclipse Support

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