
Hot deployment /code replacement using myeclipse

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  • #267055 Reply


    Hi All,

    I m using jboss 4.0.5GA and myeclipse 5.0.1 GA onn jdk 1.4.2.
    I looked around in jboss and this forum to find how to hot deploy / hot jsp code replacement in jboss.
    I m using maven to create the war file that deploys automatically to jboss default/server/deploy folder.
    jboss is started using myeclipse in debug mode, so I can debug the jsp/other java classes.
    So now whenever I change any jsp class jboss doesn’t take the changes.

    I tried adding a context.xml file in WEB-INF folder of my app with entry
    <Context path=”/test” reloadable=”true” debug=”99″ docBase=”C:\test\src\webapp”/>
    But jboss still goes to its tmp deploy location to get the jsp file.

    Any suggestion would be appreciated.


    #267102 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you are using Maven to build and deploy your app, you are circumventing the deployment tool in MyEclipse that handles hot-syncing. If this is a feature you need you will need to use the deployment manager from MYEclipse using an “Exploded deployment” format.

    As far as how to configure JBoss, I can’t really help there. When you use the deployment tool from MyEclipse with a default JBoss install, everything works fine. I haven’t tried using Maven in a development scenario before so I don’t know how to work that into the equation.

    #300292 Reply


    Hello everyone, I have a trouble with jsp hot deployment in JBoss 5.0.1. It takes time to rebuild, redeploy project and I need quick deployment of jsps after change. Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

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