
How does myeclipse generate a WSDL from an existing ws?

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  • #263739 Reply


    I read in a trade rag: “New to MyEclipse 5.1 is the ability to select an existing, deployed Web service and automatically generate the WSDL needed to access it.”

    Could someone elaborate on this? How does it find and select a particular deployed web service? Are there constraints on how and where the WS is deployed?

    #263782 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You just need the HTTP URL for the web service, then when you run the new Web Service or Web Service Client wizard you can specify the web service url with ?wsdl appended to the end, which will pull the WSDL and generate a client that is capable of accessing it.

    #263789 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Let me clarify further,

    When you’re developing Web services, ordinarily you can either start with a WSDL file and generate your service from it (called Top Down) or start with the POJOs that make up your Web service and get a WSDL based on the POJO for your potential clients to use (called Bottom Up).

    Your question applies to the Bottom Up scenario. Once you actually generate the service using our wizards and then deploy it, you can get the WSDL for your service by navigating to this page: http://<server&gt;:<port>/ServiceApp/services – here you’ll see a list of Services in your application and a link to a WSDL resource which you can distribute.

    Hope this helps.

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