
How I can setup a default header for my typescript files.

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  • #668584 Reply

    Tobias Schlegel

    On Python I’m able to enter a template snippet to add the header.

    Created on ${date}
    Copyright (C) ${year} Priamus System Technologies (info@priamus.com)

    : Tobias Schlegel

    How I can do this in codemix editor?

    #668696 Reply

    Hi Tobias,

    You can create a file with the following path


    with the following content:

    	"Add header": {
    		"prefix": "pyheader",
    		"body": [
                "Copyright (C) $CURRENT_YEAR Priamus System Technologies (info@priamus.com)",
                "@author: Tobias Schlegel",
    		"description": "Adds header"

    Please take a look at https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets#_variables for more info about available vars.


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