
how run a remote jboss server ?

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  • #228131 Reply


    jboss 4.0.1
    eclipse 3.1m4
    windows xp pro
    myeclipse 3.8.4


    J am trying to run jboss 4.0.1 on a server. J have shared the jboss folder and the jdk1.5 folder on the server and configure the acces from the myeclipse preference window.
    Jboss start to run and here goes the error:

    Failed to boot JBoss:
    org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: url file:// could not be opened, does it exist?

    this file is existing and the can be acces from a remote computer..

    #228138 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Depending on what is throwing that exception, this could very likely be an inability of Jboss to load a remote resource like that. We always encourage local installs for development of the app server.

    #228152 Reply



    Try to mount a a network drive on your PC.

    You obtain

    I do this for my configuration
    Developper : PC Windwows XP
    Server : Linux Red Hat 9
    JBoss 3.2.7

    Be carreful, you need to have the good rights to lauch the server with identification of your developper machine

    But i’m agree with support-rkalla. I encourage local installs for developement


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