
How save data from textfields

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  • #325666 Reply


    Note: edited by support-octavio. Edited title to be more descriptive

    Hello what I need is a simply script.

    I need a guestbook with 2 fields.
    one field for the name, and one field for the text.

    I tryed to beginn with some script’s, which i founded in a other forum.
    But it doesn’t work.

    Can someone please help me ?

    #325683 Reply


    This script runs I tried but it will not scroll.

    #325710 Reply



    Interesting but we don’t have the level of information required to assist you. Can you give us more info since we can’t see your screen or your code… Please describe how we can replicate your problem. Share your process, your code, more screenshots, … anything that well help us quickly do a mind-meld is desired.

    If modified the UI did it scroll before you modified the html?

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