
How set up the Clear Case plug in ???

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  • #297605 Reply


    Now that I did the instalation into my portable HDD and it’s running properly. Thanks for forum help.
    I would like to know how to set up the Clear Case plug in ?
    Because I did try several solutions, and I just could put it to work into pure Eclipse 3.4.
    I did folow this link : http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21366758
    Although into MyEclipse it doesn’t work. Because I’m getting importing from one dev view from Clear Case, there arent any .metadata folder to change!
    Thanks in advance.

    #297606 Reply

    Sorry I forgot to say that myeclipse version is 7.1 without install

    #297612 Reply

    Sorry, but I’ve discovered how it works.
    I did the download from ClearCase SCM and MVFS from this link :
    After that I’ve unpacked both into same directory (G:/downloads/ide/plugins)
    Started MyEclipse 7.1 and went to Windows –> Preferences –> General –> Capabilites and did set Classic Update option
    Then Help –> Software Update (the first option) chose ‘find and install’ and then ‘Search for new features to install’
    From there I’ve created one new local site and headed to file:/G:/downloads/ide/plugins/eclipse/ , that is the place where I did put the unpacked files.
    After some confirmatinos and all install passed through without erros, the IDE asked me to restart. That I did it.
    Now the why it wasn’t appearing into my menu bar… was because it will only appear when into Java perspective and not in MyEclipse perspective.
    I hope that it help who that ones that have to work with ClearCase…
    Even I having clear preference to SVN…

    #297615 Reply



    Good to hear that you have everything figured out. And thanks for taking your time to post the steps you have taken to install the plugin.

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