
how to add a newline to a textarea?

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  • #229457 Reply



    I am stumped.
    I have a database that has a record for each line in a document.
    There is a field that has a value to indicate how many blank lines to insert before writing the document line.

    I want this to be a web application, but want text only, no html.
    I found an editor at http://www.blueshoes.org that will allow text only.

    My problem is I cannot get the textarea to format with the line spacing.

    I tried

    doc = doc + document_line + ‘\n’;


    This is not working.
    Can someone with more knowledge help me?


    #229467 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Frank if you are trying to display this text in a webpage, then your newline char needs to be an html new line “<br>”, \n only makes sense in the contexts of Java applications.

    #229468 Reply


    ok, thanks
    Then I would need a way to strip the html before writing the document back to the database.
    Are there any routines to do this?
    I thought the editor from blueshoes would just do text.



    #229472 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hard to say, you could look for a regular expression to do it, depending on how much control you have over the HTML, you could simply parse it out yourself.

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