
How to configure Multiple Struts-config.xml files

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  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #221713 Reply


    We have an existing project and we work with several struts-config files. I can’t find any way to configure that with the struts plugin. The graphical interface shows up an error because it considers the xml as invalid.

    The struts-config is considered invalid because some actions in one file do use form-beans defined in another config file.

    Is there a way to use multiple config files with MyEclipse?

    #221724 Reply


    1) when you mention that you use several struts-config.xml files do you mean that you are using struts modules, e.g., struts-config-mod1.xml or are you working on a single struts-config.xml file that is partitioned into smaller XML files that are included by the struts-config.xml file?

    2) Can you post a small example?

    #224624 Reply


    I am in a similar situation. I have a project (not in MyEclipse J2EE project structure) with multiple struts-modules.

    I tried opening the individual xml files containing the struts config information for each module and it displays the graphical view… that was really kool.. When I double click on the actions it takes me to the java file, but if I double click the jsp’s it is unable to load the jsp or take me to the tiles definition xml file… am i missing something in the configuration ??

    #226904 Reply

    jason poley

    is there any way to make the other config files open (default) in the UI basd editor?

    #229313 Reply

    I am also in exactly the same situation as arunpers. From what I can seen, MyEclipse still has a ways to go to deal with multiple config files and tiles definitions and JSP, to provide a full view of a Struts 1.2 application. If anyone thinks the contrary I would very much like to hear the solution.

    My approach is to look at each module seperately as far as the config.xml is concerned.

    I have not figured out a way of mapping JSPs to tile yet.


    #245929 Reply


    I’m bumping into exactly the same problems as Shahrik and Jason: can’t open JSP files from the UI when have multiple config.xml fils.

    Did anyone find a solution yet?


    #245937 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sorry guys this is still an open issue we are hopefully addressing shortly.

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