
How to configure Tomcat 7 from IDE to remove permgen error

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  • #317624 Reply


    I am trying to use MyEclipse – I have simple database with 5 tables and I am trying to use MyEclipse Spring 3 CURD application scaffolding to generate Spring CRUD application, that uses Spring 3, Hibernate, Java Servlets 3, JSF 2 and Primefaces 2.1 JSF components – as I understand – Tomcat 7 support such applications. My problem is that during deployment of generated application Tomcat 7 reports OutOfMemory permgen error. I have experienced similar error on other application servers previously (e.g. Glassfish), but I could remove it then by changing server configuration.

    I have tried to change Tomcat 7 configuration as well – e.g. added JAVA_OPTS to Catalina configuration file, added environment variable JAVA_OPTS to my Microsoft Vista machine:
    “-XX:PermSize=1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M”
    but permgen error occurs again and again (even after restarting computer and so on).
    And I have also tried to set the same string into the Configure Server Connection field “Optional Program Arguments”, but it does not solve the problem as well.
    I am using Tomcat 7.0.14.
    So – the question is – how to configure Tomcat 7 to increase the available memory and to remove permgen error?

    I have tried to deploy my application on Tomcat 6 as well and for the biggest part it gone well, namely, at the end it did not work, because Tomcat 6 is not for Servlet 3 (as I understand), but at least – there were no permgen errors.

    Thanks for an help!

    #317632 Reply



    Can you confirm that you are creating the Tomcat Server in your MyEclipse environment by selecting File/New/Server.
    Then selecting Apache / Tomcat v7.0 Server.
    Then selecting your Tomcat Installation directory on the next panel of this wizard.
    Are you using the Workbench JRE or another JRE?

    Then, once your server is created, you “open” that server by selecting it in the “Servers” window and selecting Open (or F3)
    Once the Server opens, and you can see its configuration information, you then click the “Open Launch Configuration” link in the upper right hand corner section.

    When this dialog opens, you can then enter your additional VM arguments on the Arguments tab of this window.

    If these are the steps you are following, can you copy, paste the VM Arguments from this window so that I can help check for minor issues.
    Generally, setting the permgen space here will avoid any issues with Permgen errors for the server.


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