
How to create a project with Spring FrameWork in ME4.0 m2?

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  • #231659 Reply


    I want to create a project with Spring+Hibernate+Struts FrameWork in MyEclipse. but, now, I don’t know how to use spring in ME. Can you give a simple example added Spring Capibility, so I may begin to do project with spring fastly.

    #231661 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    To set the project up, just create a web project, select it in the Package Explorer, right-click and choose MyEclipse > Add Spring Capabilities…
    That will get your project setup for Spring, once the wizard completes. After that, you can add additional capabilities, like Hibernate and Struts, the same way.

    Sorry we don’t have more to help you get running quickly. We plan on adding a Spring Quickstart later on in the development cycle.

    #231695 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    In my last post, I’d forgotten that we bundled in a MyEclipse Spring IDE Support help guide in the application under Help > Help Contents. That’s the best place to get started on Spring with MyEclipse.

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